I started writing a long, confusing insane ramble of a post, but it didn't even make sense to me and wasn't helping me sort my thoughts, so I abandoned it.
I'm not going to bother with a long recap. These last couple of weeks have felt pretty unproductive and quite wasted to me. Passing drivers ed, a little Christmas shopping with some ladies from church, a bowling/potluck activity with the youth group, working a couple days at Dad's store and getting exhausted in the process, fighting a cold stemming from allergies, enjoying a quiet Thanksgiving with four pies, four types of homemade pizza, breadsticks, hot chocolate, and cinnamon rolls.... That's pretty much all I've done.
I feel like when I stopped to collect myself life piled up behind me and I don't know how to clear away the wreckage so I let it sit there, mocking me. It's that same old issue of priorities that I'm always dealing with. I keep expecting at least one week - one day, even - will turn out like the ideal image engrained in my mind, but life doesn't work like that.
There. In two paragraphs I summed up all of the rambling that was 10 paragraphs and counting in draft post #1.
I've wasted so much precious time sitting in confusion after life tripped me up, and now I'm being trampled by all of the stuff I kept putting off. Overwhelmed, I remain on the group, dusty and tired and worn out even though I haven't done anything.
In a word: pathetic.
Okay, self pity/griping - check. On to better things!
(Aaaaaand this post takes me four days to write. Let's just say life's been a bit crummy. Ah, well.)
Things have been looking up, however. We're officially in a Winter Wonderland here! We've had a bit of snow once or twice already, but it barely stuck. Yesterday it started out as a mushy freezing mix of rain and snow, and then turned to true snow. I'm not sure how much we got exactly. Over 5 inches.
Upon first seeing it (read: being dumped into it) Truffles seemed to be a walking mixture of joy and confusion. Sasha tip-toed around a little before promptly gamboling in ecstasy. She's Hershey's opposite in that regard as in pretty much everything else. Now she doesn't want to come inside, but stay out and play in snow up to her chin.
Hershey took one look at it, huffed, and trudged out dejectedly. I don't know what his preferred climate is, but this surely isn't it.
However, Allenna gladly offered to take out the dogs all through the evening just so she could galumph right along side Sasha, so I'm happy.
So I woke to a beautiful frosty sunrise (sure, sunrises can be frosty) and was greeted by the ever energetic puppy. She's in an extra mischievous mood today, trying to wiggle her way into every off-limit nook and cranny we've worked so hard to block. She's also trying to make a toy out of the sock basket and her bedding. Ah, well. (Oh, yeah. I still need to put up a picture of her, don't I? It's so hard when she can't stop moving, even in her sleep.)
Me, I'm still not accomplishing very much. I'm an trying, but I think this will be one of those life-long issues. Why couldn't it have been OCD or being extremely unorganized?
Yeah, I don't really have much to say. I just knew I really needed to pop in and say something. So many half-profound thoughts I meant to blog about, but those are weeks past now. One day I'll figure it out.