Friday, September 21, 2012

The Search for a Title Continues

Why do I want to change my blog title, you ask? I've asked myself the same question. It took me considerable effort to come up with "Breathless". I know I have a bad habit of switching up my blog as it is, but here's the deal: what I have right now still isn't the style I want to go for.
I want something a little more personal than "Breathless". And perhaps less quietly poetic and more perky. Something that suits my personality and the style of my posts a little better. However, I absolutely detest coming up with titles and slogans and whatnot. No thank you.
Looking around at some of the blogs I follow, I notice that girls my age often like to have their name in the title along with a word (an adjective, a lot of the time) that usually has the same first letter as their name. It makes the title catchy and simple, and I like alliterations. I liked this idea, but it's hard to find a decent "a" adjective. 
I went through and looked at the words starting "amb-". Not much there, really. I did discover "ambisinister", which, evil as it sounds, simply means "clumsy or unskillful with both hands". There's also "ambition", "ambivalence" (uncertainty or fluctuation, especialy when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things), "amble", and "ambry" (which is simply, "chiefly British dialect", a closet or pantry). Not really helpful, all in all. 
Some people make the title a simple definition of what their blog is about, like "Magical Moments". However, I don't keep my posts to one general subject or theme. It's just me.
Then there are people whose title is simply something they like, like my sister's "Stained Glass". I like a lot of stuff, from writing to gardening to my mom's new bike.
Some people just try to be as catchy as possible. My other sister has "Locket Full of Fairydust". (Like "pocket full of stardust". I helped.)
As I do in most predicaments of this kind, I started making a list. (Don't judge. It helps me organize my thoughts.) Here's an idea of what I came up with:

Definition of Me (as I mentioned previously)
(insert word here) A la Amber
The World Through Amber-Colored Glasses (I know, sooo cheesy. I'm rather ashamed)
(insert word here) Yours, Amber
Note to Self

Those are just the ideas I am still considering. There were more, but I'm not so big on them now.
In another vein of thought, I started browsing through all of the quotes I've collected on And then I got stuck on this whole "carpe diem" idea. (Latin for "I seize the day".)
I know. "Seize the day" is quite cliche. (Ha ha. Rhyme.) But the fact that it's a song in "Newsies" means I associate it with lots of energy and boldness and some of the best choreography I've ever seen.
I found a number of quotes related in one way or another to "seize the day":
"Life is an adventure: dare it." - Mother Teresa (or possibly part of some Hindi proverb. I saw it attributed to both.)
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller
"Do not dare not to dare." - Aslan, Chronicles of Narnia (though I'm not sure which book)

Obviously, "dare" is a theme in there as well. So I looked up the definition:

"To have necessary courage or boldness; to be bold enough to meet defiantly. Dare emphasizes the state of mind that makes one willing to meet danger."

Okay, so I only dream of being "daring".
As much as I found this whole "dare the adventure" idea intriguing and inspirational, I also had the feeling that it was a bit.... I don't have the right word. It's sort of a battle-cry for an unsaved person, I guess. Sure, we all ought to make the most out of life, but "seize the day" almost has the idea of just "living it up", getting all the thrills you can. It's a different sort of "making every moment count" than I prefer. For the Christian, we have to live in the knowledge that "this world is not my home" and we're living for something more, so we can't sit around wasting time when we could be doing something that will matter. (That last bit is courtesy of my dad.) So I kind of put away the idea.
Currently, I'm most stuck on the "(word) + my name" style of titling, but I haven't really found the right word. I do like "abstractions" and "anecdotes", but I don't know how to make them flow in a title.
By now I'm sure some of you, if not all, are thinking, "Good grief! All this for just a blog title? Just pick one already and get over it!"
I know, I know. I agree. And I'm working on it. But for now, this is all you get. Haha!
Hey! Three posts in a week isn't bad. Now let's see if I can keep up the momentum.

1 comment:

  1. No, I don't blame you. It took me forever to come up with mine. Every time I need a new username I freak out because I have to actually make a decision. :P Good luck, but please, don't choose the a la Amber one lol
