Friday, October 5, 2012

Sometimes It's Better to Laugh at Yourself

For starters, my computer died. Yep. Just like that. Wes thinks it's the motherboard, which means I should be able to (eventually) retrieve all the stuff I was careless enough to not back up somewhere. Mostly pictures and music.
So I'm writing from Dad's computer. And trying to get used to the fact that when I get a new computer (I'd already determined to save for one before mine kicked the bucket), it won't be anything like my old one. These new, shallower keys and funky mousepads tick me off, especially when they have invisible scroll bars my hands too often settle over.
Either way. That's not why I'm posting. And yes! I did have more of a reason to post besides the old "It's been a week, so it's time to post" reason.
I didn't work yesterday. Not "work" work, that is. I babysat from around 9 to 11:30, and then rushed off to join Mom on paper routes. Thus far, work has not prevented me from the Thursday route routine. Not that I'm complaining.
As usual, we had to wait for papers. Good thing I usually have a book with me. This sitting around waiting in line is another part of the routine, and I don't know why we keep expecting it to change.
Mom has a new route in the downtown area There's about 40 papers, and it takes around 45 minutes to deliver them every day. Lots of businesses and official buildings and stairs and hallways and poor little people suffering in their cubicles. I think I've mentioned this before now, to some degree. Oh, well.
The last part of the route involved me speedwalking/jogging a couple blocks to deliver to four places. One is a congressman's office, and there's always one guy in there who's really nice. It also tends to smell strongly of coffee. Another place is a jewelry store, and the old lady who owns it is quite the character. Her moods are unpredictable and entirely unrelated to the weather as far as I can tell, so that some days all she does is scowl and other days she is very polite, though I've never seen her smile.
After I walk/jog these four deliveries, I meet up with Mom to run the last few papers in one of the coolest buildings downtown. The outside is mundane, but inside is skylights and bright colors and patterns. It's a collection of organization offices, like the Red Cross and Cancer Association or whatever it's called. The people are always nice (and usually the same people every time I see them). It also has a cool staircase. (Cool enough that I still enjoy it though there are 30 steps.)
Wow. Sorry. I totally didn't intend to write that very long preface to this very short story.
Typically, Mom and I stop for a pitstop here before continuing to her driving routes. Yesterday, I decided to grab a drink at the water fountain outside the restrooms.
I don't really like water fountains. I don't like having to bend over them and contor my face into strange shapes and slurp just to get a decent drink. Also, the only drinks I like ice cold are milk and iced tea, and the water in water fountains tends to be very cold. I did have a waterbottle in the car, but, for whatever reason, I chose the water fountain.
It was absurdly low, and I pitied anyone taller than myself who happened to pass it in desperate need of a drink. Then I bent over it and casually touched the button.
I'm used to having to apply just a little pressure to get the water going. Not with this fountain. The next thing I know, there's a stream of cold water shooting up my nose. I recoiled, snorting and spluttering and trying not to inhale any more water because my nasal passages were already burning. As I was wiping at my face with my paper route hands, a woman came out of the ladies' room.
I kept my head bent over the water fountain as she inched past me. "The water fountain attacked me," I muttered, attempting a chuckle. She just kind of smiled uncertainly and gave a little laugh before hurrying away.
Not wanting to bother with the fountain again, I went into the restroom to clean my face. By the time I'd scrubbed off the ink from my hands, my nose was all red.
But I decided it was better to spend a few minutes laughing at myself (and then plan a blog post and give you the chance to do the same) instead of moping over an attack from a water fountain. If only I'd apply that principle to the bigger things in life.

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