Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dog Walks and Family History

Thursdays always seem like a long day. It's not like I do a lot of physical work; it's just that I'm used to being home most of the day with the dogs, doing chores and writing (or at least pretending to be busy). And it's not even that I get up any earlier on Thursdays than any other day except Sunday.
I was up at 7(ish...) to do my devotions and start getting ready before I had to get Sasha up. I try (not very hard, usually) to get her out of bed early on Thursdays so she has a chance to run around and eat before it's back in the crate for 6 hours.
Of course, today she decided she didn't want to eat. She's either sick or going through some sort of reverse growth spurt. I don't know. Also, she picks up on the ritual we all go through before we leave the house and was repeatedly putting herself in her crate and waiting for us to leave.
So she went to her crate without breakfast. Not my problem.
We dropped the girls off at co-op, and then Mom and I headed out to a city about 15 minutes from there to do some errands. Normally we sit at the church until it's time for the classes we teach; I'm glad I could skip that today.
Back to the church for a little sitting around and chatting until physical science. We had an experiment involving a bottle rocket, but it failed. Twice. I was sad.
Then off to routes. Wonder of wonders, the papers were already printed and waiting for us! At 12! Still, we weren't done until around 3. Then we got the girls and headed home.
The dogs were acting antsy, so I decided to take them on a walk. Before his head harness, we had a regular harness for Hershey that somewhat kept him from pulling. I decided to use it on Sasha, since it was too small for Hershey and he needed the head harness.
It was just a quick trot around the park, but man was it tiresome. Both dogs were tugging to be in the lead. The harness kind of worked for Sasha (she wasn't choking and gasping for breath, and she didn't spend half the time rolling around on the ground trying to get something off her nose) but she really needs to be taught to heel and let me lead. Maybe with some practice....
Then I sat down to check stuff on the computer and write this post. However, I got distracted when I saw was offering free viewing of the 1930 census! Excitement ensued, and I started searching relatives.
I learned that I am 1/8 Danish. Dad's always talked about how we had Danish in us, but I never learned which ancestor(s) were Danish. Now I know. My great-grandpa's wife was born in Denmark. That made my youngest sister happy. (She's taking German at the co-op.) Now to find the Native Americans somewhere in the family tree....